
The Huddersfield Depot is located within 5 minutes of Huddersfield's town centre.

Branch manager David Lane and his team encourage anyone who visits our Huddersfield Depot to ask for advice and information about any of our products and supplies and to pop in for a chat any time!

If you have trouble finding what you want in one of our Depots, the same product can be ordered for you specially from another Duftons location.

Branch Details

  • Manager: David Lane
  • Telephone: 01484 545 910
  • Email:
  • Address:

    Duftons Plumbing & Heating Supplies Ltd.
    Units 8 & 9
    St Andrews Court Business Park
    Leeds Road
    HD1 6QB

Opening Times

  • Monday to Friday: 7:00am - 5:00pm
  • Saturdays: 8:00am - 12:00pm
Sorry, this item is currently out of stock.
We currently hold [remaining-stock] units of this item in stock. The remainder will be put on back order.
You cannot order more of this item than we currently hold in stock.
You must order at least [min-order-qty] of this product.
You must order at least [min-order-qty] of this product. We currently hold [remaining-stock] in stock. The remainder will be put on back order.